Rachel Barnett

Books, Writing, Drawing

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Here’s to 2017!

Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year to all!

I have been having a very relaxing time whilst seeing in the New Year here on Groote! Hopefully you have too?

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be posting and delivering books on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th of January and then there will be a delay in availability for a few weeks. Books will become available again the week of the 23rd of January. You can still put in an order and these will be filled as soon as they are available again.

So, if you still want to order and need to get your book asap, you will need to put your order in quick! To order now, CLICK HERE.

Happy New Year to all… I truly hope that it is a great year for you and your loved ones.

Rach x

PS. News about the official book launch for There’s a Crocodile on the Golf Course will be coming VERY soon! Keep your eyes peeled.

A visit from the big man in red – and some gratitude.

I live in a very remote part of Australia. For those that don’t know, I live on Groote Eylandt, which is a small island in remote Northern Territory. The only real way to get here is by plane, and everything we have has to be flown or barged in.

Alyangula itself, which is where I live has a population of about 1000 if we are lucky. It is a small town, and mostly filled with people who come here for work, whether for the mine or government employment or one of the various other enterprises that base their workers in the town.

I am very lucky that I have some family living here, but I am mindful that for the majority people living in Alyangula the distance from family and friends is great. This can be a difficult thing for the families of this town, particularly at this time of the year when the holidays are upon us, and the emphasis on the importance of family and loved ones can make it feel like we live on the edge of the earth.

Which is why I wanted to do a bit of a shout out to the events for children and families that are run in this little town. Take this last weekend for example. On Saturday afternoon the Alyangula Children’s Christmas Party was in full swing. It involved an amazing itinerary including a disco, free food (including the favourite – Fairy Floss! You should have seen the line!), face painting and tattoos, Santa Singers and a visit and presents from the big man in red himself. Yep, that’s right… Santa made the trip to Groote Eylandt, despite the heat!

Santa braves the heat!

Santa braves the heat!

The kids had a ball all afternoon. As I looked around I saw children of all ages from the teeniest babes being fawned over to the dancing tweens and teens having an awesome time and being free to just enjoy themselves. I sat with friends and watched our kids dance on the stage with no thought for anything else but singing the Christmas Carols at the top of their lungs and busting out the awesome moves. I saw how well the children in the community know each other and how easy and comfortable it was. I watched as Santa arrived and a gaggle of kids tore out of the fenced area to chase the fire engine around the street… and no one was worried about it. It was awesome.

I also saw the adults that worked very hard to pull off the best event they could. A lot of people worked tirelessly for the days and weeks leading up to that event and I am so thankful that we have people who are willing to do that in our little community… and we have quite a lot of them. It’s not just the Children’s Christmas Party I am referring to now either. We have volunteers running events for the kids left, right and centre here, from an ever growing BMX club that the kids talk about non stop, to MyGolf and Family fishing comps. From Auskick to playgroup, from Net Set Go to Craft workshops run by the CWA. And this is just a small list.

And I guess the reason why I am writing about all of this is that I am very thankful to be part of a community of people where there are so many who are willing to pitch in and make the community strong, especially for the kids. A lot of us do miss family and friends while we are living here. It is an amazingly beautiful place, and a fabulous place to live, but it is still ‘far away’. The people who run these events (and I hope they know who they are) help to make that distance seem just that little bit less, in my opinion, and at this time of year particularly, I am very thankful for that!

So to anyone in our little town that has contributed to any of the amazing family events, no matter how big or small, this year or any other, I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation. You guys truly do rock!

Happy Days,

Rach x

PS. My team mate Kel and I did catch a big Sailfish for anyone that is wondering… A few in fact! And this little marlin. Had to put it up… tagged and released 🙂

Kelly's first marlin! I'll catch one some day...

Kelly’s first marlin! I’ll catch one some day…


PPS. Hoping to get the pre-orders out very soon! Watch this space…

The anticipation is killing me!

Wow! How awesome are you guys? So many of you have shown excitement about my book ‘There’s a Crocodile on the Golf Course’. I feel very lucky and thrilled to be sharing it finally!

So, I was given some very exciting news… I could be getting the first lot of books within the next week or two! Of course, the official release date is still February, but I can’t wait to receive them as that means I can start getting them out to people who have pre-ordered sooner! I do have to admit that I am also feeling a little nervous…

Here's to calm seas and beautiful sunsets...

Here’s to calm seas and beautiful sunsets…

So to distract myself for a few days I am joining half of the Alyangula population out on the water for the GEGSFC 30th Annual Billfish Comp. I, like all of the other fishing enthusiasts (and there are A LOT of us here on Groote Eylandt, most more dedicated than me) will be hoping to catch a few Sailfish or Marlin and, of course, take out the competition!

Normally, my fishing time includes reading, writing and numerous naps, but I am pretty sure that my regular fishing style won’t cut it this weekend!

Here’s hoping for calm seas and beautiful sunsets.

Good luck to all of the other competitors, and I hope that I can post a picture with a billfish in it soon, as well as some more crocodiles… just to break it up a bit!

Happy Days!


Welcome to Our Website!

It is so exciting to be launching this website, Holus Bolus Books! Mainly this is because it means that I have finally figured out how to put a website together… but more on that later maybe.

What a big month it has been! Melbourne Cup, Halloween (I am including this as it all rolls into one this time of year) and my boys 5th birthday, fishing competitions, hubby’s birthday… and a few other events in between. I feel like I need to go and lie down for a week now to recover, but that is just not going to happen…

Receiving the advanced copies is just a bit exciting!

Receiving the advanced copies is just a bit exciting!

And now for the REALLY exciting news, I received the advanced copies of There’s a Crocodile on the Golf Course last week! Do you know how exciting it is to hold one of the first copies of your first book in your hands?!

Oh, and the smell of a freshly printed book…

It has been a steep learning curve, and it’s one that I’m still on, but it’s nice to finally have a copy or two.

It’s not due to be released until February, however. There is still a lot to do! But… drum roll please… pre orders are now open! For those who pre order before February, a 20% discount will apply. Just order through this website, and enter the code PREORDER, or Contact Us here.

Unfortunately I can’t guarantee that the books will be ready by Christmas. I am still looking at options to try to make this happen if the first lot of books arrive soon enough… you never know but I can’t make any promises!

In the meantime, feel free to take a look around the website, see what we are all about and share with your friends if you think they’d be interested. We hope you like our website. We’d love your feedback! Oh, and if you want to be kept up to date with our news (eg. official release dates, the Launch Party!!) subscribe below or keep up via our Facebook page.

Now I’m off to (hopefully) catch a billfish or two…

Happy days!


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